New look for 2010

New look for 2010.

New year heralds new design and some long overdue focus back on this website

I have now updated simon​cox​.com and have moved the site to EE which I have been using since 2006 for other sites but had kept using the MT content management system for this website. I had been waiting for ExpressionEngine (EE) version 2 to launch before making the foray — although EE1 would have been very suitable but I wanted to test out EE2 on something not mission critical! The new look and feel is a great design but not mine. I expect I will end up modifying a lot until I am happy — well this site has always been my test bed anyway! I am not sure what to replace the cup of tea with at the moment and am hoping for a bit of inspiration to burst forth.

Right now though all the old content is missing — just waiting for EE2’s import facility to be completed and then I can pull in the old site’s content and spend a lot of hours sorting through the rubbish and distilling it into some hopefully still readable content. Integration with my images that are sitting over on Flickr is also a priority and I will put together a gallery as I have quite a lot of images to show you.

Comments will be back at some point so I can expect the inevitable abuse from my chums and of course the model railway section will be getting a much-needed boost. This was one of the most visited parts of the old site and one of my main hobbies now.

By Simon Cox |

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