New look site!

The up side of being unwell is that I have spent this week delving into CSS. What a minefeild! I have used CSS for a longtime now but never for the page layout. The home page now uses my first public stab at it.

I still have to break the home page down into php elements so that the rest of the site can be rebuilt quickly. I may even run parts of the shared code within the CMS so that I can do remote code changes to the whole site quickly... Hmm.

And I have had a brilliant idea about style sheets and a local random varient to drive them - more later! (What?)

I just realised that there is a bug with IE5Mac. Poo. Have to work on that later - only me that looks at the site on a Mac anyway.

By Simon Cox Published: Fri, May 3, 2002

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Previous short: Microsoft - Hotmail pain...

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