009 Society leaflet from 1990

Just dug up an old 009 Society leaflet I picked up from Imrex 90 - 16 years ago! I had intended to join the society at the time but life got in the way as usual and I didn't sign up for another 11 years. The society is still going strong so if you have an interest in narrow gauge railway modeling please do join - and its worldwide. Current details can be found at the 009 society website www.009society.com -click on the Join the 009 Society menu item.

Meanwhile here is scan of the old 1990 leaflet.

cover 009 Society leaflet from 1990. inside 009 Society leaflet from 1990.

(Please note this is for historical interest purposes only - this is not the current leaflet and is way out of date - the addresses, prices etc are all out of date, so if you would like an up to date form please visit the 009 Society website - do not use thess images to join!)

By Simon Cox Published: Sun, Apr 16, 2006 | Modelling

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