Japanese L Type industrial locomotive

Japanese L Type industrial locomotive

Recently I purchased an unusual HOe locomotive from Japan. This stunning little locomotive has outside frames and a working couping rod and comes either as a kit or ready to run having been put together from the kit by a 70 year old craftsman in Japan. It is a HOe scale 9mm gauge. Japanese L Type industrial locomotive, HOe scale 9mm gauge at the H Back shed

Here I have the loco running on Henk Wurst’s German logging layout ’H Bach‘ and it looks right at home.

Japanese L Type industrial locomotive outside a woodshed

Japanese L Type industrial locomotive, HOe scale 9mm gauge outside the H Back logging plant

Currently I have no plans to run this on Loxley Barton as it is too modern, probably...

And John Jacobs had a little drive.

By Simon Cox Published: Tue, Dec 5, 2006 | Modelling

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