Cleaning up the 11ty config
I read a couple of articles this week on cleaning up your 11ty config file, the initial one that I found from Robin Hoover and the second from Lene Saile in which Lene had added a 3rd method, adding another config file as a plugin which I then understood what I could do. Yes takes me a bit of time sometimes.
I created a new folder named _11ty in my source folder and in that added new .js files for each of the plugins, functions, filters and collections I needed, and in each added the code for them. This included the module.exports section but with slightly changed code.
plugin.js code example:
const CleanCSS = require("clean-css");
module.exports = eleventyConfig => {
eleventyConfig.addFilter("cssmin", function(code) {
return new CleanCSS({}).minify(code).styles;
The module.exports line has changed from:
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
module.exports = eleventyConfig => {
With all the plugin and filter code tucked into its own file for convenience and ease of maintenance my .eleventy.js file now looks like this:
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// Plugins
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("./src/_11ty/cssmini.js")); // CSS minification
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("./src/_11ty/rss.js")); // RSS feed plugin
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("./src/_11ty/datetime.js")); // Date Time plugin
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("./src/_11ty/collections.js")); // Collections
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("./src/_11ty/image.js")); // Image plugin
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("./src/_11ty/passthroughs.js")); // passthroughs
return {
dir: {
input: "src",
output: "public"
You can see the paths to each plug in I have used.
Yes, this is more of a note to myself for the next time I need to do this but I hope it helps someone else too!
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